Choosing the right Flag Case: Type, Quality, Cost

Honoring one’s loved one/ones can be an emotional and endearing decision. Even if the flag case purchaser has not personally served in some capacity, each member of a loved one who has served does have that feeling of loyalty and service, and in many cases, as a spouse or child, they have served along with the member. It is a feeling of love and appreciation that deserves special recognition for his/her service. In most instances, there is much to consider in choosing the right case for that special person. Three salient considerations are type of case, quality, and cost.

Type of case:  there are many different cases for different occasions – memorial, retirement, shadow boxes, etc.  Mose cases come in a wide variety of wood choices, stain colors, flag size, engravings, shell casings, maple inlays, and personal quips (quotes and messages about the person being honored). Let Crafted Cases create a custom case for your needs.

Quality: Most customers don’t want pre-made factory cases. They want a case created from a good, solid wood that will last a lifetime.  Customers want a case that will preserve a legacy of the person being honored.  Cases made out of press board, from China, and sold at the big box stores won’t stand the test of time.

Cost:  Although cost is a determinant, it is not always relevant.  Folks want a fair price for a case to honor their special person.  It is more about the person who served, the memories, and the sacrifices he/she made to serve their great nation.  Choosing a case is more about creating a lasting legacy that will preserved and handed down for generations to come.  Crafted Cases wants to create that case for you.  A case that will last for generations.