The Importance Of Veteran’s Day

With such busy and demanding lives, Americans sometimes forget important holidays on their calendars. November 11th, Veterans Day, should always be remembered, however. It deserves our attention and respect, and it is a perfect time to honor the soldiers who offer their lives for our country. We should be celebrating their bravery, sacrifice, and selflessness any time of year, but especially on Veterans Day.

Remembering Sacrifice 

Veterans Day began on November 11th, 1918, when World War I was officially ended. Originally, it was referred to as Armistice Day, in honor of the armistice signed to end the war of all wars. However, later on the name was changed to Veterans Day so that it included all veterans who offer their service and their lives, whether that be in war or during peace. Every year, the nation pauses to remember those who answered the call of duty. The people who have given their lives for our freedoms help reminds us not to take them for granted and that they can be taken away if someone isn’t there to stop it. Our freedom and liberty comes at a cost — Veterans are the ones who pay it.

Recognizing Service 

Veterans Day is a day to not only honor fallen soldiers but living veterans as well. In 2023, there was estimated to be about 18 million veterans living in the United States. They may not serve in the military anymore, but they continue to serve their community in various other ways. November 11th is the perfect time to show gratitude to our friends, family, and neighbors who have worn the uniform, pledging their lives to protect our nation and its ideals. Part of why Veterans Day is so important is because it creates unity among our nation and allows us to appreciate the people around us. Veterans Day transcends political divides, reminding us of our common identity as Americans.

Honoring Veterans 

There are many different ways to honor veterans on this important day. Whether it be through gifts, or handmade cards, or simply flying the American flag high, making them feel recognized and appreciated is the priority. Crafted Cases in North Carolina offers customizable flag display cases — perfect for honoring a family member or a friend in service. Take the time to thank them for their service, offer your appreciation, and take a moment of silence for those lost in service as well. Consider donating to charities that support veterans or service members, as well as finding small ways in your community to help local veterans.

A Call to Action

Beyond the parades and celebrations, Veterans Day is a call to action. It’s not only a call to support and honor those who have served, but to also consider joining the fight yourself. The military is the first option people consider, but there’s other ways to support your country and your veterans as well. In 2022, it was estimated that 7.5% of veterans lived in poverty and 35,574 veterans were homeless. From healthcare to employment, housing to education, our commitment to veterans should extend far beyond a single day of recognition.

In conclusion, support local veterans whenever possible. Honor them for their service and sacrifice, and make sure they feel special on this important day of the year.